Monday, September 13, 2010

Nate's on the news

Here is a link to see the news clip from our emergency preparedness fair we had on 9/11 at our church. I'm the emergency preparedness specialist and we decided to put on a preparedness fair for our ward and invite the community. Other than the pouring rain, it was a great day. Didn't know it would make the news (: Knoxville still has that small town feel.

1 comment:

Dad & Mom said...

Great job, Cindy! Mel is so impressed-he wants all the details and he wants to take it to the Stake Presidency and see if our Stake will do something like it. I'm so proud of all the work and effort you put in and I think it was a great idea. I'm also glad it's over and you can relax a little again. Love you all-Mom Peterson