Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Update on the move

So Cindy and I just got back from a house hunting trip to Knoxville. We found out on Friday morning that the trip had been approved so we booked a flight and left a few hours later. Cindys parents and family watched our kids while we were gone (THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!). We found a few houses that we like and will probably be making an offer in the next couple of days. We just got back into town and are on our way back up to Idaho to get our kids and hang out with my family (Seth & Randi live in Blackfoot, Corri & Bert just moved to Blackfoot, and Mom, Dad, & Amanda/kids are driving up tonight). I start work on Monday so it's going to be a crazy weekend and next couple of weeks until we can get into our house. Sorry we didn't take the camera this weekend. I'll post some pictures soon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

And we did prepare to move

1) And it came to pass that I did take my family and we did journey into the wilderness. And on the twenty and fifth day of the seventh month of the year the Olympics were to be held in Beijing I did arrive in Knoxville (for this was the name of the place which we were to dwell) and I did look for my family but they were not with me for I had journeyed alone to this place and did prepare for the time when my family should join with me.
2) And it came to pass that on the first day of the eighth month of the year the Olympics were to be held in Beijing I did look out and I did see a large vessel in the air and it did descend gradually until it did reach the earth and it did roar like a lion and it was tight like unto a dish yet it did move like the great cat. Now behold my family was upon this vessel and they did come unto me and I was filled with joy and did give thanks to the Lord for them.
3) And it came to pass that we did make our home on the West side of the city Knoxville in a place called Farragut Tennessee and we did make friends with our neighbors and the members of our new ward. And we did not dwell in a tent but did surely live after the manner of happiness.
4) And we did blog often for we were desirous that our families and friends should remain close to us. And we were desirous that our families and friends would also blog, call, e-mail, chat, and visit for we were in a strange land and our hearts did yern to be close therefore we were desirous that our friends and family would seek to communicate often with us.

So I read Bryson Perkins blog and loved it so I had to try. Thanks Bryson :)

I look forward to our upcoming move and promise to do better at posting to our blog and keeping in touch. I hope everyone will continue to keep in touch.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Knoxville here we come !!!!

Well we're really doin it :)