Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mouse killer

A couple months ago I found a little field mouse in our garage. I set a trap and got one, then another, and another, and another. I haven't caught one for a while so I think they are all gone.
Well a couple of days ago I was watching Dumbo with the kids. There's a scene where dumbo visits his mom, there's music, and all of the various baby animals are being shown with their mothers. Then the little mouse starts to cry and Kaitlyn looked at me and said, "the little mouse is crying because you killed his mom and now he misses her huh?" :) What do you say to that? :) I convinced her that those were diffrent mice and that dumbos friend is probably just lost and looking for his mom who I'm sure is still alive :)


Wendy said...

I would have said, "Yep, and if he comes around here I'll get him, too because mice are DISGUSTING." I'm a mean mom.

Kirsten said...

That's hilarious! She's adorable! I told Paul that I wanted to have my cats spayed and he said, "I have a $2 bullet that'll take care of it!" Needless, to say, I won the battle. :)

Perry Family said...

that is so funny!! how traumatic for little kaitlyn!

Dad & Mom said...

I knew your day would come--I've always said that no one can make you feel as guilty as your kids! I love you lots, you're a wonderful dad. Just give that sweet little Kaitlyn a kiss from Grandma and tell her the little mice will be taken care of. Love you-Mom

Mizukawa's said...

That is really sad. But cute. We killed a mouse in our garage too but you guy were up to five or so wow. come visit!

Andrea said...

That is too cute. Way to go and convince her the little mouses mother was just lost. Much happier ending to that story.