Thursday, September 4, 2008


5) And it came to pass that I did journey to the land Knoxville and I did go before my family to prepare the way for them. And it came to pass that I did find a hotel where I was able to lodge.
6) And after not many days I did become weary of the hotel where I did lodge and I did take my flowered suitcase and my clothes, and my computer and I did take my journey eastward to a place which they did call Copper Pointe (apartments) and I did rest there for a time.
7) And it came to pass that I did long to have my family with me and I did look forward to the time that was not far off when they would join me in the land Knoxville.
8) And in all things I did give thanks to my God. Yea I did give thanks for my family, and my job, and for Copper Pointe (and that fact that it is only for three months :))and for my new air mattress, folding chair, for my new pan, paper plates, my new towel and shower curtain......
9) And I did give thanks for the fact that someday I would once again have a couch, a bed, a kitchen table, pots, pans, chairs, towels, and a house. And so was my mind cought up when I did lay down for the night.

1 comment:

Perry Family said...

SO FUNNY!!! And so descriptive...makes me feel sorry for's not fun being in a strange place, with no friends OR family, let alone an air mattress! Hope your family comes out soon!